Wroughton Infant School

Academic Achievement

Assessments take place informally 3 times per year and we are extremely pleased with how hard our children work to show their progress not only in the core learning but also through our broad curriculum that encourages creative thinking, independence and a love of learning.

Our national outcomes are detailed below:

Early Years (Reception) 2023- 2024

 Good Level of Development


Phonics 2023-2024

Year 1


Year 2


End of Key Stage 1 (year 2)

End of Key Stage 1 assessments are no longer statutory. The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) will take its place as the basis for primary progress calculations. The first results we will see from these calculations will be in 2028 when the first RBA cohort reach the end of Key Stage 2/Year 6

School Performance Tables (Gov.uk)

Wroughton Infant School Gov.uk Performance Table