Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Curriculum Intent
As part of Grove Learning Trust, we share the same mission across the trust:
Our vision at Wroughton Infants is to ensure every child feels ‘Proud to Belong!’ in school and in the wider community.
To ensure we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, we have five curriculum drivers which shape our ambitious curriculum. Our curriculum drivers are personal to our school and reflect the needs of our children. These drivers are used to motivate learners to build upon prior knowledge and experience.
We have designed a curriculum which will uphold our school values of Teamwork, Honesty and Courage and will:
- demonstrate positive learning attitudes
- encourage children to have pride
- enable children to be confident speakers
- enrich learning with experiences inside and outside of the classroom
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum provides all children with experiences and opportunities to broaden their life experiences. We aim to provide children with memorable experiences to develop and learn new skills. The acquisition of knowledge and development of skills is carefully planned by subject leaders from the infants and the juniors. Our long-term planning is designed to build upon prior knowledge and skills from EYFS to KS2.
Quality first teaching ensures teachers have high expectation for all children and we use Rosenshine’s Principles to enable children to know more and remember more. Teachers craft lessons to ensure there is high engagement and interaction from all children. Teachers are skilled at questioning, modelling and explaining learning to children using scaffolding and challenge. We have high expectations for all children regardless of their starting points. Teachers encourage and motivate children with praise and positive recognition.
Curriculum Impact
All children and staff show the school values: Teamwork, Honesty and Courage. Children develop a thirst for learning. They are motivated to learn and demonstrate a Growth Mindset; they feel safe to take risks and try new things. Our children develop an understanding of the world beyond their own.
They will be confident speakers and independent learners; they will be able to talk about what they are learning and begin to make links across subjects. The children will be able demonstrate positive learning behaviours across the curriculum. Teachers are able to ensure children make progress within the lesson and overtime by providing ‘live feedback’.
We measure impact using:
- attainment data
- attendance numbers
- behaviour reports
- attendance at extra-curricular clubs
- pupil voice
- parent questionnaire
- subject leader monitoring
- senior leader monitoring
Schemes used across the school
Curriculum Area |
Scheme used |
Phonics |
Little Wandle |
Reading |
Little Wandle |
Music |
Get Set Music |
Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) including RSE |
Jigsaw |
RE |
Swindon SACRE – Agreed Syllabus |
Spelling Scheme |
Little Wandle |
Letter formation & Handwriting |
Little Wandle |
PE |
Get Set PE |
Purple Mash |
Science |
Grammarsaurus |