Wroughton Infant School is an academy which means that the Governing Body is responsible for the school’s admission policy and arrangements.
We have chosen Swindon Borough Council to administer all admissions on our behalf.
Admissions Policy
Please click this link to read our 2024- 2025 admissions policy
Please click this link to read our 2025-2026 admissions policy
Making an Application to Join Wroughton Infants
Please click this link to visit Swindon's website on making an application to join us.
Making a Transfer / In-Year Admission
Please click this link to visit Swindon's website on making an in-year / transfer application during the year (this does not apply to joining in Year 3).
Once Swindon Borough Council have confirmed your child has a place at our school, we will get in contact with you to arrange a desired start date. We then can help you through the Induction process and completing everything needed for your child to start with us.
Applications to Junior School
All Year 2 pupils have to apply for Year 3 (Junior School) place.
Your child doesn't automatically qualify for a place at a related Juniors School so you will need to apply for this place via Swindon Borough Council.
Click this link to visit Swindon Borough Councils admissions website and proceed with an application.
Oversubscription Criteria & Priority Applications
Please read our current admissions policy for our admissions arrangements and oversubscription criteria. As an academy, we do not have any further information to share regarding priority applications. Applications are welcome from any family wishing for their child to join us.
Appeal Process
Click here to access the Direct. Gov appeal process. You will be directed away from our website.
Other Links
Click here to access the Direct.Gov Schools website. Please note that you will be directed away from our website.