Lunch time is from 12 noon to 1pm for all children. During this time, all children will eat their lunch in the dining hall with their friends and have time outside to play.
Children can have either a school meal or bring a packed lunch. Packed lunches should be brought in a labelled plastic container.
Drinking water is available all day, please ensure your child has a named bottle for water that can easily be refilled. To encourage good dental hygiene, we don't allow juice or squash in drinks bottles.
We encourage our children to make healthy food choices so we ask that their packed lunches contain a balanced diet. We don't allow fizzy drinks or energy drinks in school, and no chocolate or sweets.
We are a nut free school so please be mindful of this when preparing snacks and packed lunches.
We prepare delicious hot and cold healthy meals in our own kitchen and have some meals cooked at the Junior site due to kitchen capacity. School meals have to be ordered at least one week in advance. We ask that all school meals are booked and paid for via Parentpay.
We are continually looking for ways to improve our school meal service and would welcome any comments or suggestions that you have.
School Lunch Ordering Deadline
School Meals must be ordered at least one week in advance. As a rule lunches must be ordered by midnight on the Wednesday for the following week lunches. Please note you can order lunches for the whole term. The exception for this is school holiday time when we will ask for lunch orders to be in early to allow the kitchen time to make the necessary food preparations.
Meal Ordering ParentPay Instructions
Lunch Menu
Where possible we ask that you please order for the entire term or well in advance.
*Please note that paninis are only available on certain days as seen on the menu.
Free School Meals
All children at Wroughton Infant School are entitled to free school meals. If your child attends the Junior School and you are in receipt of income support or receiving certain allowances your child may be entitled to free school meals. Please note however that those receiving Working Tax Credit will not be entitled. Further information and application forms are available on the following link: