NSPCC Number Day - Year 2
Year 2 Classes
Welcome to Year 2!
We have three Year 2 classes; Robins, Bawn Owls & Wrens.
Robin Class is taught by Mrs Dalton
Barn Owls is taught by Mr Grinsted.
Wren Class is taught by Mrs Martin (Mon-Weds) & Mrs Millwaters (Weds - Fri)
All classes will be supported by:
Mrs Kirk |
Mrs Moon |
Mrs Hurley |
Mrs Southwood |
HOMEWORK- How can we help at home?
Please read at home with your child at least 3 times a week. Encourage them to read fluently and with expression!
Practice counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s with your child and practice number bonds to 20. This will really help your child's mental maths!
Please help your child practise their weekly spellings for our test on a Friday. If you have misplaced your child's copy, please click on the link below:
Year 2 Phonics & Spellings- Group 1
Year 2 Phonics & Spellings- Group 2
Year 2 Phonics & Spellings - Group 3
Term 3 Homework - Choose one or more of the following:
*Geography/English- Research and create a fact file about China.
*Science - Learn about the life cycle of different animals and present your findings.
*Maths - Start a 'Piggy Bank' for saving coins and notes. Count up how much you have saved by the 5th February.
Topic Maps
Term 3
Term 2
Term 1
Maths in Year 2
Learning in Year 2
Year Two showed great respect today when cleaning war graves at our local church. They discussed the importance of Remembrance and were really happy to help our community.
Cleaning War Graves
As part of our Hook Day for the Great Fire of London we created our own mini town and watched how quickly fire can spread!
Great Fire of London Hook!
Making Scones!
Team Building in Year Two
Autumn Shape Poems
Meet and Greet Information